
Products currently available for download


Realsoft 3D
ProductVersionOperating SystemArchitectureDescription
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.58 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Ubuntu 18
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.67 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Fedora 29
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.67 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Fedora 28
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.67 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Debian 20
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.67 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Ubuntu 19
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.69 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Fedora 33
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.69 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Ubuntu 20
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.69 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Arch Linux
Realsoft 3DV.8.2.69 Linux x86_64Realsoft 3D for Mint 20

Apple Mac OS X Apple Mac OS X

ProductVersionOperating SystemArchitectureDescription
Introduction to Realsoft 3DV.6.1Apple Mac OS Xi386A brief introduction to Realsoft 3D (PDF)
Reference manualV.6.1Apple Mac OS Xi386Reference Manual in PDF format.
User ManualV.6.1Apple Mac OS Xi386User Manual in PDF format.

Sun Solaris Sun Solaris

Realsoft 3D
ProductVersionOperating SystemArchitectureDescription
Realsoft 3D V.08.02.56Sun Solarisx86_64Realsoft 3D or Solaris 10 CDE (.pkg)

Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows

Realsoft 3DV.8.2.56Microsoft Windows x86_64 for Windows 7 or newer
ProductVersionOperating SystemArchitectureDescription
Realsoft SDK 8V.8.2Microsoft Windows x86_64Software Development Kit for V8 64 bit Windows platforms
ProductVersionOperating SystemArchitectureDescription
User ManualV.8.2.56Microsoft Windows x86_64User manual, 919 pages in A4 size. Updated edition 23.December 2019.
ProductVersionOperating SystemArchitectureDescription
RevolutionV.0.9.4Microsoft Windows i386Revolution plugin for Realsoft 3D v5

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